OMG !!! Inilah 6 Cara 0n4n1 Sampai Mati Paling Gila Dalam Sejarah Dunia !
Is Going Direct Really Cheaper Than A Broker Or Price Comparison For Small Business Insurance? The UK media is currently awash with advertising slogans from direct commercial insurance companies targeting small business owners in an attempt to make them switch their provider of business insurance. 'Get 12 months cover for the price of ten' and 'You won't find us on price comparison websites' are typical of the slogans emanating from these companies, in a language more akin to the selling of car insurance than the traditional professional and almost stoic approach to the selling of business insurance cover. In the current recession, price has become the determining factor in winning the war of market share for all goods and services and insurance is no exception. Prudent small businessmen and women are looking to cut costs in all areas of their business and the large direct insurance companies are well aware of this. The large insurers are also aware...